Rita Casu holds a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Cagliari and has been a Chartered Accountant since 1994. She has been enrolled in the Register of Auditors since 1999.
She runs her own consultancy firm and has developed her professional experience mainly in the field of Tax and Fiscal Consultancy. She also provides consultancy and assistance to the Offices of the Financial Administration and the competent Tax Commissions in the field of direct and indirect taxes. His professional activity includes corporate consultancy, valuation of companies and preparation of expert reports, as well as technical consultancy through appointments by the Court in banking and other accounting matters. He has developed considerable expertise through assignments in the role of Liquidator and Statutory Auditor.
She served as Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Tiscali Spa in the early years of the company’s establishment and until after its listing on the stock exchange. From 2005 to 2015 she was Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Tiscali Italia Spa.